Welcome to the ACE Women’s Network of Indiana, a community of higher education professionals across the academy – faculty, staff and administration. Whatever your role and wherever you serve in our great state, I hope you will find this group beneficial.
I love the mission of ACE Women’s Network, and I hope it resonates with you too. We Identify, Develop, Encourage, Advance, Link and Support (IDEALS!) women in higher education across Indiana.
Higher education lifts up students, it lifts up their families, and it lifts up their communities. At ACE-WIN, we are committed to making higher education more accessible and inclusive, so that more Hoosiers and more Americans make the choice to matriculate and graduate from college or university. Our goal is to support you as you do the important work of transforming higher education, through all the stages of your career.
Leadership is about behavior, not position. You can lead whatever your role, and I hope we can be beside you as you do. Join us and help us encourage, mentor and support Indiana women in higher education.
Welcome to ACE, I look forward to working alongside you.