Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - Take Control
February, 23rd, 2024
NCAA Hall of Champions, Christine Grant Ballroom
White River State Park, 700 W, Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
8:30-9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast, Networking
9:00-9:20 Welcome and Introductions
State Co-Chairs: Paaige Turner and Laura Treanor
Location: Christine Grant Ballroom
Take Control of Your Career
9:30-10:30 Breakout Sessions (Choose 1)
Strategies to Navigate Your Career
Description: Career pathways don’t always follow a clear sequence of advancement. Hear about the career pathways of these accomplished professionals, what shaped their decisions, and the advice they have to offer.
Panelists: Dr. Susan Sciame-Giesecke, Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, and Kristin Schunk-Moreland
Moderator: Laura Treanor
Location: Jesse Owens Room
AI: Keys to Take Control of Your Day
Description: With the increase in applications of artificial intelligence, there are numerous ways you can use AI to your advantage in daily life. Discover how it can make your daily life more pleasant, productive, and easy to manage.
Panelists: Jaci Lederman, Darcy Lee, and Linda Calvin
Moderator: Carol L. Smith
Location: Auditorium
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Breakout Sessions (Choose1)
Communicating Your Career Needs
Description: Articulating your career needs to your supervisor or others can feel challenging. Hear and practice techniques for expressing your needs to support your current role and professional growth.
Panelists: Renee Thomas-Woods, Melissa Rubrecht, and Andrea Stuffel
Moderator: Patti Pelletier
Location: Jesse Owens Room
Network Like a Pro
Description: This session is activity-based and will serve as a low-stakes networking space for women to connect while also providing participants with pointers and practice on how to network like a pro.
Moderator: Dana Cummings and Mandie Greiwe
Location: Christine Grant Ballroom
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00-1:00 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Required IR Meeting
Location: Theodore Roosevelt Room
Take Control of Your Life
1:00-2:15 Keynote Address
Kris Taylor, Founder of Evergreen Leadership
Be the Heroine in Your Own Career and Life
Description: Our fast-paced, quickly changing world creates chaos. With chaos comes opportunity; but only if we choose to embrace it.
Location: Christine Grant Ballroom
2:15 -2:30 Break
2:30-3:15 Annual Awards and Closing Remarks
Thank you to our conference sponsors!